Literarni radovi

My imaginary twin siter

I really love my sister. Not my normal sister but my twin sister. She is amazing. Her name is Lea and she is almost twelve years old. We don’t share the same room but we have a lot of things in common. Lea often asks me what I would do if I were in her place or if something is the right thing to do. When something bothers me I know who to tell about it and who to ask for advice. We don’t look alike that much. For example, I have brown curly hair and hers is darker and not curly. I have brown eyes and she has beautiful green eyes. We are often in my room and we play some games. In winter we give each other cute presents and we go out and have a snowball fight. Whenever I try to do gymnastics she helps me so I don’t get hurt. If Lea is sick and when I come home from school I always give her a hug. However, we know when we need to give each other some time alone. She is just amazing!

Učenica: Lucija Šincek, 6. a

Mentor: Anita Prester, učiteljica

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