
My favourite hang-out

My favourite hang-out is a playground. It is a place where I meet my friends every Friday evening or Saturday afternoon. We enjoy playing football, basketball, handball or any other team sport. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter which sport we play as long as we all have fun. Sometimes boys play against girls but the teams are usually mixed. Of course, when boys play against girls, girls always win. Regardless of the score, we always enjoy and laugh.

It may sound weird but one of my favourite hang-outs ia also my school. It is never boring in a place where all my friends are. There is always something going on in my school. For example, there are students who can make the whole class laugh. Sometimes even the teachers can’t keep a serious face.

Also, my favourite hang-out is my home, especially when I invite my best friends. We play hide-and-seek or some board games like Monopoly, Uno or a memory game.

When I think about it, I don’t know what my favourite hang-out is. I think it is a place where I feel great and where all my friends have fun.

Učenica: Ervina Flegar, 8. b

Mentor: Anita Prester, učiteljica

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